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Pricing & FAQs

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Choose the Plan That Works Best For Your Family

Single Membership

$20 /month

$197 annual membership (save $43!)

1 user
all grade levels

  • Unlimited access to all grade level materials for one student
  • Live Learning
  • Hand-on math labs
  • Math games (online and printable) to practice skills
  • Math Mysteries
  • Enrichment activities

Family Membership

$35 /month

$347 annual membership (save $73!)

up to 6 students from 1 family
all grade levels

  • Unlimited access to all grade levels for up to six family members so the whole family can learn together
  • Live Learning
  • Hands-on math labs
  • Math games (online and printable) to practice skills
  • Math Mysteries
  • Enrichment activities

*Your child may not take an entire year to complete a course. We skip all the fluff, so there are only about 70 – 90 lessons per course. With that in mind, we have structured our membership packages by time period instead of by level. You will have access to all of the levels of curriculum with your membership so your children can work at their own pace and complete multiple levels each year if they would like.

We also understand the difficulty of meeting the needs of the entire family on a budget, so our family memberships include six seats for less than the price of two single memberships. Private tutoring is an additional cost and is available to all students. Read more about private tutoring.


If you have a question about our program that isn’t answered here, you might find an answer in one of our math articles. Use the search function and if you still don’t see the answer you need, please feel free to use the contact form to ask your question. We are only able to answer questions about our program, not about your child, as we are unfamiliar with your specific situation.

  1. Enroll your child(ren) in our program.
  2. You and your child will each receive a login.
  3. Have your child(ren) take the placement test (link will be emailed to you) to determine where they should begin. You will find detailed instructions with each placement test.
  4. Enroll your child in a course, based on his/her placement test scores.

Check out the sample lessons from each level to better see what a daily lesson looks like.

We offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. Give ‘We Play Math’ a chance and if you don’t love what we provide, just send us an email (or use the contact form) within 15 days and we’ll refund what you paid.

Parents check their children’s daily written assignments and input their scores. Your parent dashboard contains the answer key and video solutions. Corrections are the most useful part of any learning experience. It’s good to know all the things your child can do, but essential to know what your child is struggling with, so you know what needs additional attention.

My kids hand me their assignments and I use the answer key to grade them, marking incorrect problems with an X. I don’t bother with a score or anything. I return the problem set to my child, who corrects all missed problems, often with my help. I then grade those corrections and if any problems are still wrong, I again hand the problem set back to my child to correct. At this point, my children usually want help with corrections and this is where the REAL teaching and magic happen. Sometimes, though, it’s just a missed sign or Order of Operations mistake or something they can fix easily. Anyway, we go back and forth until the problem set is 100% correct and then my children are done for the day. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it’s really only a few minutes to grade each problem set initially and fewer than that to grade their corrections. Honestly, it makes a TREMENDOUS difference to real understanding because kids never proceed to new material without completely, thoroughly understanding previous material.

This way, too, I can spot fundamental misconceptions right away and work to correct them. Sometimes we’ll depart from the textbook for a day or two to play math games or watch videos or work in such a way that any misconception is corrected before we dive back into the textbook and proceed. As far as tests and grades go, I just skip them. I only use the tests for benchmark testing and I don’t assign them grades. If I had to give them grades as a state requirement or something like that, I would go ahead and give them 100% for each problem set because that’s what they earned.

If you choose to work like we do, making your children correct all of their missed problems, they will receive 100% on all assignments. For this reason, I don’t keep track of my children’s scores or grades until they get to high school, which is when I begin keeping records for my children’s transcripts.

Coursework is mostly online and asynchronous, meaning that students work through the curriculum at their own pace rather than as a class. Students are invited to attend weekly (optional) live learning labs with other students, which are like drop-in, small-group tutoring. But daily coursework is independent. Video lessons and math games (to practice skills) are online and daily assignments are completed via pencil and paper. You may print out the daily assignments (linked in each lesson) or purchase a consumable workbook from which your child can work or you may print and bind your own workbook if you know of a printer cheaper than Amazon. Parents check the daily assignments and help students to make corrections. Answer keys and video solution guides are provided in the parent dashboard.

Check out the sample lessons from each level to better see what a daily lesson looks like.

The purpose of testing in a classroom setting is to help teachers assess the students knowledge and understanding. A teacher has 25+ students (times seven if she teaches middle school or higher) and typically doesn’t do all of the grading herself. I can’t imagine trying to keep track of where kids are and their struggles with that many students. Because you are checking your child’s daily assignments, you will be familiar with your child’s math struggles, so you won’t need to use testing as an assessment tool. The placement tests will help you correctly benchmark your child’s skills and understanding of math concepts, helping you know which course to begin with (we can help with assessments when needed). In other words, there are no tests beyond the placement tests, haha!

Each course includes daily, written worksheets because the tactile act of putting pencil to paper is critical for understanding and retention. Our workbooks are consumable because that feels more manageable to kiddos. We sell our workbooks on Amazon for the minimum cost allowed, but if you know a cheaper printer, please use them instead. The pdf file for the workbook is linked in your parent dashboard. In addition, each lesson contains a link for just that days worksheets because we are parents, too, and we know how often workbooks get misplaced. You choose whether to print assignments yourself or purchase a pre-printed workbook.

YOU are the very most critical element of your child’s education. Stressful, I know! It’s true, though. Regardless of whether kids are in homeschool, private school, parochial school, government schools or any other type of schools, the biggest factor in the success of a student is the involvement of the parent. We Play Math has tried to make this as easy for you as possible, but I’m not going to lie and tell you that your child can learn well entirely without you. The more time you can spend on math with your child, the better, but the format of We Play Math (videos and games) will enable your child to work as independently as possible. You should check your child’s work each day, then make sure your child corrects any missed problems, either by correcting simple math errors, re-watching the lesson video, explaining the missed problems yourself, having your child attend that weeks Live Learning lab to get help from a tutor, or by scheduling a private tutoring session.

I joke that my kids only have to work on math on the days they eat. But they know it’s a joke! The reality is that ALL learning should fit into your regular life and not the other way around. When I first began homeschooling 18+ years ago, we chose to work on school 4 days per week so we could participate in a field trip co-op and take field trips every Friday. It was wonderful! But then we moved and joined a homeschool co-op with fun extracurricular classes in the afternoons, so we needed to spend less time on school in the mornings, so we went back to a five-day school week. We like to travel internationally for about a month at a time, so we usually work on school year-round, straight through the summer, in order to take months off when we travel. We also like to take (and desperately NEED) an extra long break over the holidays each year.

The best advice I can give you is to work at a pace that feels manageable for your child, but also to be diligent and make learning every single day a priority, just like nutritious meals. Because we work almost year round and because homeschooling is so much more efficient than government schools, my kiddos typically finish about 1.5 grade levels per year and end up completing Calculus their freshman (9th grade) or sophomore (10th grade) year. The beauty of homeschooling is that your child can work at his or her own pace in order to build a rock-solid foundation while maintaining a love of learning because there is no rush to keep up and no sitting around to wait for the rest of the class.

Procedural math teaches students to solve problems by giving them a series of steps which must be completed to find the answer to a problem(aka an algorithm). For example, a two-digit subtraction problem would teach students to “borrow” from the tens column without demonstrating that you are actually trading ten one’s for a ten.

Conceptual math  clearly explains the reasons why mathematical operations work as they do, or the “concepts” behind math operations. A strong proponent of conceptual math would not teach algorithms, but would instead teach the reasoning behind the algorithm. A really good homeschool math curriculum will blend the two methods, always ensuring the student understands the concept before learning the procedure.

The terms mastery and spiral describe two of the most commonly-used approaches to teaching math. The mastery approach focuses on one skill at a time, learning skills incrementally, with each skill building on the previous skill. In a mastery math program, a student develops a thorough comprehension of one topic before moving on. The spiral approach is different in that a given set of skills is repeated from level to level, but in greater depth each time. In a spiral curriculum, learning is spread out over time and revisited repeatedly over months and even across grades.

I believe the spiral approach is superior because learning retention is improved for several reasons: 1)the material is eventually presented in it’s most difficult form, causing students to stretch and 2) making connections repeatedly over time creates more robust neural pathways for recalling information. For this reason, We Play Math takes the spiral approach to learning. You will notice that Algebra concepts are introduced in Math 2 and re-visited consistently through Calculus and beyond. Same with Geometry concepts.

If your child is starting with us in kindergarten or younger, no. However, if your child is transferring over from another curriculum, the placement test is pretty accurate at gauging where your child should begin. You are the expert on your child, though. If your child is struggling with concepts, feel free to back your child up and repeat them. If your child already understands the concept and is bored, feel free to jump ahead a few lessons or move faster. If you are struggling with math in general and need some expert guidance, please feel free to schedule some time with a tutor to assess your child. Our tutors aren’t just there to guide students, they are parent partners and can also guide parents.

My younger kiddos (Math K- Math 3) spend about twenty minutes or less on their math each day, including corrections. My middle kiddos average probably forty minutes per day on their math on the good days and around an hour on not-so-good days, and occasionally, on really bad days, a couple of hours. High-school aged kiddos with better time-management skills and better concentration skills can complete their work, including corrections in under 1.5 hours per day (usually closer to an hour).

When math is taking too long because a child is frustrated, you might consider backing the child up a few lessons (or more) in the curriculum. Just be sure that repeating lessons doesn’t feel punitive or derail the child’s confidence and instead talk with them about building a really solid foundation.

Tutoring is an option at We Play Math because we want your student to feel confident every step of the way. Students love our engaging explanation videos, the thrill of solving problems in games and the exhilaration of accomplishment, but misconceptions are inevitable — we’re all human. Tutors with extensive training are available to help your child make little corrections and proceed with complete conceptual understanding, eliminating frustration. Your child will be assigned a weekly 40-minute Live Learning session with a tutor and a small group of students working on the same level. Students should bring any questions or problems they’ve had that week to the session and the tutor will work the problems, live with explanations, on a whiteboard for all of the students in that session to see and ask questions. Or you may schedule private tutoring time with the tutor of your choice via the ‘Tutoring’ tab on the menu for an additional cost. *Students on the budget plan do not have the Live Learning Lab option.

Membership includes the curriculum and a weekly, 40-minute Live Learning Lab with a tutor. The curriculum includes daily lessons with a video, a skills practice game, written worksheets and enrichment activities in each lesson, as well as a couple of Math Labs (hands-on math projects) and Math Mysteries (the history of math concepts and the mathematicians who discovered them) per level. A single membership includes all of the levels for ONE student (so students can complete more than one level if desired) for one year and a family membership includes all of the levels for up to SIX students for one year.

A pdf file of the consumable workbook is included with your membership for you to print yourself, or you may purchase a printed version at Amazon. Private tutoring is available for an additional cost.

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