Private Tutoring
Almost nothing is more frustrating than being stuck on a concept and unable to move forward. I’ve tutored high school and college students for years and students would save up their assignments for our weekly appointment. When I would explain a concept in a way they understood, my student would nearly always breathe a huge sigh of relief and tell me that they could now correct (independently) the remaining missed problems for the week.
In a discipline like math, where concepts continually build on previously learned concepts, a foundational misunderstanding can cause an array of problems for as long as it takes to get the misunderstanding corrected. That’s why it’s critical that missed problems on assignments are corrected daily, giving students the chance to correct any misconceptions before proceeding with the next day’s assignment and potentially missing the same type of problems or any problems based on the same concept.
Public schools miss out on this incredible opportunity entirely, as students just receive a grade and then throw their assignments in the trash on the way out the door, never having made any corrections to missed problems. Thus, foundational misunderstandings persist.
The answer keys in the parent dashboard contain the answers to all of the questions in each problem set. Certain problems (we aim to include all of the most critical problems and/or concepts new to the student) also have a link to a brief video explanation. We hope this will address the majority of your students questions to minimize the need for paid tutoring.
Email us to schedule a weekly, recurring appointment or appointments as needed. Tutoring appointments must be prepaid. For the best value, they can be purchased in blocks of 1 hour or more at a time, then used in smaller increments.
Price | Duration |
$15 | 15 minutes |
$30 | 30 minutes |
$50 | 60 minutes |
$190 | 240 minutes |