Level 4

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Each lesson in this course is comprised of:

  • Lesson Video is a brief (~10 minutes) animated video explaining a concept
  • Skills Game is an online, interactive game, about 5 minutes
  • Written Practice (you may purchase a pre-printed workbook or print your own)
  • Enrichment Activities each day includes print-and-play games, hands-on activities, DIY math manipulatives, arts, crafts and math conversations. All of these are optional.

Each lesson should take less than 30 minutes unless your child loves the game/activity and chooses to spend more time on it. Most of each day’s lesson can be completed independently by your child, but the optional Enrichment Activities are sometimes 2-player games, and a parent will need to check each days Written Practice (the worksheets). The answer keys to all of the worksheets in each parent dashboard.

We Play Math courses are structured so that parents don’t have to spend hours each day teaching each concept to each of your children, all on different math levels. However, the more parents can be involved, the better. Statistics show that parental involvement is the single biggest predictor of student success. The more support and guidance a parent can give their child, the better.

To complete this course most effectively and efficiently, you will need these supplies.

Be sure to take advantage of the FUN math games included in this course and add math conversations and number fluency to your daily lives. We Play Math is taking care of the instruction so parents and families can just have fun playing math. That’s what we’re all about!

Click the first lesson below to get started. Have fun!